Momentum is putting on pentathlon clinics Summer 2023, culminating in a non-sactioned Pentathlon Competition! Clinics are offered to Momentum Members and is limited to 20 Athletes.
Clinic focus is on the events of a Pentathlon:
60m hurdles, high jump, shot put, long jump, and 800m.
2023 Pentathlon
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All sessions include a thorough warmup, event work and a distance training session at the end.
(Dates and times are subject to change).
Clinic #1: UW Track & Field Stadium
Tuesday August 22, 5-7:30pm
Clinic Focus: Sprints / Hurdles / Throws
Clinic #2: UW Track & Field Stadium
Thursday August 24, 5-7:30pm
Clinic Focus: Jumps / Throws / Distance
Pentathlon: UW Track & Field Stadium
Saturday August 26, 10-1pm
60mh, High Jump, Shot Put, Long Jump, 800m
Secure your spot today by Becoming a Member then Sign Up for the clinic below.

for Life.
with Yourself.
as a Team.
Joe Smith Director & Masters Athlete, PNW Coach
Cell: (206)409-0921
Marlena Smith Administrator & Mountain West Coach